
Current trends in cyber security

Date of issue

30. 9. 2024

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Current trends in cyber security

Current trends in cyber security

Cybersecurity is a dynamic field that must constantly adapt to new threats and innovations. Regardless of the specific year, the trends below are becoming an essential part of protecting digital infrastructure in the modern world.

  1. Cyber resilience: prepare for the inevitable

    Cyber resilience is no longer an optional feature, but an absolute necessity for organisations of all sizes. Traditional prevention is not enough, which is why more and more companies are focusing on the ability to respond quickly and effectively to cyber incidents. This approach includes:

    Incident Response Plans (IRPs) to quickly isolate compromised systems and minimise damage.

    Backup & Recovery, which is crucial for fast recovery from attacks such as ransomware incidents.

  2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning: a double-edged weapon

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly important on both sides of the cyber conflict. AI improves defence capability by analysing large amounts of data and quickly identifying threats. But at the same time, AI provides attackers with new tools to automate attacks and improve social engineering methods.

    Automated threat detection enables real-time anomaly detection, which significantly reduces response time.

    AI-driven attacks: cybercriminals use AI to create more convincing phishing emails or more sophisticated ransomware campaigns.

  3. Zero Trust: the “don’t trust, always verify” approach

    Zero Trustis one of the most important approaches in cybersecurity. This model assumes that no one is automatically trustworthy and therefore every interaction is verified.

    Identity and Access Management (IAM) focuses on accurate user authentication, with contextual factors such as device, location and access method being key.

    Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) replaces traditional VPNs and provides dynamic access authentication to enhance security in hybrid work environments.

  4. Cloud security: protecting multi-cloud environments

    With the increasing adoption of cloud services, security of these environments is becoming crucial. Organizations must ensure that their data and applications remain protected, whether they are hosted on a private or public cloud.

    Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) tools provide visibility and control of security across multiple cloud platforms and ensure compliance.

    End-to-end encryption is critical to protect data in transit and at rest, reducing the risk of security breaches in the cloud.

  5. Ransomware: still a threat

    Ransomware has become one of the most common and dangerous threats. Attackers not only encrypt data, but also threaten to expose it unless a ransom is paid.Double blackmail is becoming a common method by which attackers increase the pressure on victims.

    Modern security solutions combine ransomware detection with isolation and recovery methods to minimise damage and enable faster recovery.

  6. IoT and OT security: protecting connected devices

    With the growing number of Internet-connected devices (IoT) and the use of industrial systems (OT), the need for security is becoming critical.

    Network segmentation will play a key role in separating sensitive IT systems from less protected IoT devices, helping to minimise the extent of potential damage.

    Monitoring IoT device traffic will become a necessity for anomaly detection and early detection of attacks.

  7. Data protection: compliance and encryption

    With stricter data protection regulatory requirements such as GDPR, data protection is becoming a priority. Organizations must implement comprehensive security strategies that include not only technical measures but also data governance at the policy level.

    Tokenization and data encryption will continue to be key techniques for protecting sensitive information during processing and storage.

    Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools help prevent unwanted data leaks and ensure that sensitive data does not leave the organization without proper security.


Cybersecurity faces dynamic threats that are constantly evolving. Organizations must remain proactive, invest in advanced technologies, and above all, realize that prevention is not enough. Cyber resilience, Zero Trust, and the use of AI in both defense and offense are key aspects of modern cybersecurity that must be implemented to ensure security in today’s digital environment.

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