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Security as a service

Cybersecurity is an integral part of any organisation’s success today. With increasing cyber threats and the complexity of IT environments, there is a need to implement robust yet flexible security solutions. However, for many companies, the challenge is not only implementation, but also the constant monitoring of security systems. The solution to this situation is the approach Security as a Service (SECaaS), which provides comprehensive protection through external security experts, services and technology. This article will look at how Security as a Service covers the entire security cycle – from initial analysis to continuous monitoring.

Risk analysis and assessment

The first step in any security solution isanalysis of the current state of security of the organization. Bez kvalitní analýzy je téměř nemožné identifikovat zranitelnosti a rizika, kterým může být organizace vystavena. Tento krok zahrnuje:

  • Identification of critical assetsA: An organisation needs to identify which assets are most important to it – whether it’s sensitive data, financial systems or critical infrastructure.
  • Mapping potential threatsA: Based on the type of business and technology infrastructure, potential threats such as attacks from within the organisation, phishing campaigns, ransomware or attacks exploiting network vulnerabilities are analysed.
  • Evaluation of current security measuresA: It is important to find out what measures are already implemented and how effectively they protect the organisation. This includes an overview of firewall, authentication, encryption or user access management.

This analytical step often takes the form ofsecurity assessment, an in-depth assessment of the security of the IT environment that provides a detailed overview of current threats and suggestions for improving security measures.

Security solution design

On the basis of the results of the analysis, the following proposalof a comprehensive security solutiontailored to the needs of the organisation. The key elements of this solution can be:

  • Implementation of Zero Trust principlesA: This concept minimizes a priori trust in internal and external users and environments. Zero Trust enforces continuous authentication of all entities and ensures that access is only allowed based on clearly defined rules and security policies .
  • Deployment of EDR and XDR technologiesA: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Extended Detection and Response (XDR) provide advanced protection at the endpoint level and extended protection at the network and cloud layer.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): One of the pillars of modern security is ensuring effective management of user identities and access rights, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Integration with existing infrastructureA: Any solution must be flexible and compatible with existing technologies so as not to cause disruption to the organisation.

Deployment and implementation

After the approval of the design of the security solution, it is followed by itsimplementation. Tento proces zahrnuje nejen nasazení nových bezpečnostních nástrojů, ale také školení zaměstnanců, kteří musí s těmito nástroji pracovat. Bezpečnostní týmy spolupracují s IT odděleními na hladkém přechodu, aby byla zajištěna nepřetržitá ochrana.

One of the benefits of Security as a Service is that all technology deployment is performed by an external team of experts, saving the organization time and resources.

24/7 monitoring and surveillance

One of the key aspects of security protection isround-the-clock surveillanceover the infrastructure. Even the best security solutions become ineffective if they are not actively monitored and managed.

Security Operations Center (SOC)part of Security as a Service, provides 24/7 visibility of all network activity, endpoints, cloud applications and user access. The SOC is equipped with a team of cybersecurity experts who are able to quickly detect and respond to potential threats:

  • Anomaly and suspicious activity detectionA: Advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled tools enable real-time detection of unusual behavior patterns that may indicate an attempted security breach.
  • Incident response: If a threat is detected, the SOC team can immediately step in and initiate an incident response – from isolating infected devices to blocking access to unauthorized users.
  • Threat Hunting: An advanced proactive activity aimed at finding threats that might be missed by conventional detection tools.

Regular reporting and continuous improvement

Every professional security solution includesregular reportingwhich provides management with a detailed overview of the safety situation. This reporting includes:

  • Monthly incident reports: Includes detailed descriptions of identified and eliminated threats.
  • Recommendations for improvementA: Based on analyzed incidents, the SOC team regularly recommends tightening or modifying security measures to keep protection up-to-date and effective.


Security as a Service is a comprehensive solution that includes not only the initial risk analysis and deployment of protective measures, but also continuous monitoring and management. This approach frees up an organization’s internal resources and provides peace of mind that their digital assets are protected at the highest possible level. In a dynamic cyber threat environment, a flexible and modular solution such as Security as a Service is an essential element of a modern IT strategy .

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